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Why SUP surf over prone surf as a beginner? / Lucy shares her thoughts

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Are you wanting to learn to surf? What are the pros and cons of SUP surfing over prone surfing? Hear SUPboarder team member Lucy's thoughts on why SUP surfing may be the better option for you, as a beginner surfer...

Lucy is definitely what you’d call a  waterwoman! She loves windsurfing, bodyboarding, sea swimming, SUP surfing and prone surfing. But she has never found prone surfing easy, making her progression slow. SUP surfing however has allowed her to progress a lot faster, and it is definitely her first choice when the waves are on. In this video Lucy and Reuben chat about the pros and cons of SUP surfing over prone surfing, and Lucy shares her thoughts and experiences on why learning to SUP surf is great for beginner surfers. Hopefully it inspires you to give SUP surfing or them both a try!

SUPboarder Pro members can also check out a bonus video below where Lucy shares some her top tips for going SUP surfing.

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Lucy boards now - 9'x26"Starboard / 7'8"x28" Smik

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24 days ago

Great video Lucy and Reuben. I really appreciate hearing how lucy had fun surfing her ISUP for years. I have a hard surf sup and a 4.7 inch thick surf ISUP . I took them surfing last summer and they were different but both were fun. At my low beginner level, at the end of the day all that really matters for me is playing on the waves. When I get really old I wouldnt be sad if all I can do is kneel on my ISUP and go for a ride. As far as prone surfing goes, I love… Read more »

Dave Ballard
Dave Ballard
21 days ago

Great video, Lucy is spot on re wind. As a short border, I got frustrated in my late 40s with prone surfing, I’d lost my pop and so my SUP journey began in my early 50s and I’d recommend it to any surfer getting on a bit and getting fed up prone surfing because they can’t do what they used to, for the reasons mentioned. However, if you’re an experienced prone surfer you should score many more bigger and better quality waves than you ever could on a short board when on a SUP without sacrificing the short board manoeuvres.… Read more »

Olivier Decroly
Olivier Decroly
7 days ago

Interesting comments from the podcast as well. I have been SUP surfing for 15 years and never looked back to prone longboard. But SUP surfing helped me also to increase my prone skills whenever I did grab a surf board. It was not that easy in the beginning because we were chasing for the smallest SUP but feel very confortable now (at 51, close to 100 kg but fit) on +30-40 liters with 9 nish in all type of conditions (strong wind and chops, cold winter etc). Being able to prone SUP is nice too when traveling (this disadvantages SUP)… Read more »

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