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2023 new gear / SUPboarder Pro chat

In this SUPboarder Pro video I take a look at the SUP industry and chat about which brands and gear is looking interesting for 2023. We do this afew times a year to give us a good understanding of which gear trends, brands are following, and also which brands are pushing more development in the […]

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2 years ago

Reuben,I feel like I a devils advocate for some reason. However If you would indulge me I really would like to question The new red compact 810. The compact 810 just came out in Canada. Its nearly $2500.00 with tax.I own the one fin Whip and I did own the compact 9.6 and kind of regret selling it. I bought the 9.6 based on the video you did surfing with your daughter. I sold it cause I thought at my 200 pound weight I would be better off with a bigger Honu for my 90 % flat water paddling( still… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

I mentioned in an other post that last summer I used the whip as a prone surf board to learn how to surf. I spent all of the time practising my pop up and trying to stand. I loved that it had a handle. I simply lifted the board over the white wash instead of pushing threw it and then turned around to catch a wave. It was low to the water so it was very easy to slide on to it. I think that Red Paddle should consider using its knowledge to create an inflatable prone surf board.( If… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

jeez I just checked indiana out. Less than 8 foot doesn’t make sense to me for an inflatable. Plus for an inflatable surf board, I think you need some width. I haven’t hand paddled the whip much. I plan to take it out soon in calm waters to see how it does for prone paddling.The body glove surf board was great for paddling cause it was so bouyant and pretty narrow but it was challenging for me to stand up on.I am guessing that there wouldn’t be a big market for inflatable surf boards.

2 years ago

One other thing. I was surprised that they added the batons to the compact 810. I thought that the carbon stringers in the compact 9.6 was supposed to be a superior technology. I have read at least once by a red owner that his red board leaked cause sand got in the baton slot. I have to be careful with putting my whip on the sand because of this.

2 years ago

I think the inflatables from Infinity are quite new and they’ve had production problems. I think they have been offering discounts on the Blackfish Air with blemishes.

Also, did I miss any mention of SIC? After your Race iSUP reviews, I like the idea of another premium brand to compete with RPC and Starboard, but not sure that SIC is as competitive across all of their iSUP range as they are with the RS.

Jimmy Smith
Jimmy Smith
2 years ago

Yes please. Foiling video of what’s new.

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