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ASK THE EXPERTS December 2022 # 32

Welcome back to another ‘Ask The Experts’. ATE is where we bring to you discussions, insights, rants, news, our general thoughts about the SUP industry and of course still answer your questions we have had over the last month.  

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2 years ago

Regarding Honu. You said some exciting things are coming. Could you please spoil it now cause as soon as boards become available in North America I want to pull the trigger on one. However, It sucks when I buy something and 2 weeks later a better product comes out by the same company

2 years ago

damn no gloves and booties? Where I surf, on the east coast of the US the water gets down in temp to 30s and 40s (hovering around 0 celsius), and I definitely wear gloves. Not as heavy as a surfers gloves, but definitely need them. Test gloves before you buy, as I have had an issue with gloves that don’t grip the paddle. I use hyper flex as they work well with my paddle. 5mm for boots and gloves which does well until the wind picks up and the temp gets under 32degrees farenheit (0 celsius)

Beau Nixon
2 years ago
Reply to  seanross

Oof that’s cold Sean! Gloves definitely needed with temps like that. I wear gloves in the UK as I’m from Australia and think it’s freezing! Thanks for your suggestion for which gloves to buy. Very helpful.

2 years ago

A comment on cold water gear. I didn’t realise until I got my more expensive wetsuit that they often generate extra heat from the friction of the lining against your skin, so if you wear a rash, or neoprene, vest underneath it can make you colder. Up in Yorkshire we are within the coldest stretch of sea in the UK so gloved and booted for a while now. I’ve found the Rip Curl Dawn Patrol 3mm gloves excellent for paddling. They’re so grippy you don’t need to try and hold your paddle and never get the wrist fatigue I used… Read more »

Beau Nixon
2 years ago
Reply to  JohnnyChaos

Thanks for the comment John! Definitely gets cold up your way. I’m in gloves in winter because I feel the cold coming from Australia. Very true about the wetsuit heat as well. Great recommendation on the gloves you use. Cheers!

Geoffrey Urwin
Geoffrey Urwin
2 years ago

I am a beginner , but more important old ! (71). I’m going to be paddling SUP from March until October. The age is significant because I do feel the cold. Can you recommend the best wet suit thickness to help . Paddling in South UK. As an old rookie = balance issues, I anticipate falling in a lot to begin with. Thanks Geoff

Last edited 2 years ago by Geoffrey Urwin
Geoffrey Urwin
Geoffrey Urwin
2 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

Thanks Reuben, I really appreciate your time to help me. As an older guy ,despite being a ‘hard’ northerner, cold water is not my friend. I have bought a 5/4 O’Neill wetsuit for now. I appreciate that as the weather warms in the UK, I’ll look for less cumbersome kit as I get better at SUP . I like the look of the Palm dry bottoms . Although they are not cheap. Once again, thanks, you are a star : )

2 years ago
Reply to  Geoffrey Urwin

I’ve got the girlie Palm dry suit and I bloomin love it! I usually – In 0 degrees – only need to wear with it a sports vest and 1 set of ski base layers. I also wear ski socks, and Palm neoprene gloves (with fingers) and some old trainers and a bobble hat. Mind you , if I start to get cold, I do some HIIT!

Geoffrey Urwin
Geoffrey Urwin
2 years ago
Reply to  caz

Thanks Caz..Great advice . I’m having my first lesson mid March . I’ve taken a flyer and bought an O’Neill 5/4 . In the unlikely event that paddle boarding is not for me , I’ll have waisted some money. If this sport is for me, Id take your advice with the dry suit. I’ve got gloves and boots with a grip sole and have ordered waterproof socks. That’s maybe enough expense as a rookie for now. I’m really grateful for your time and advice . Geoff

Geoffrey Urwin
Geoffrey Urwin
2 years ago
Reply to  caz

I like the look of the Palm dry bottoms . Although they are expensive. Geoff : )

Geoffrey Urwin
Geoffrey Urwin
2 years ago

Hi Guys , Please help me.  I have never been on a paddle board but although old (71) am quite fit .  Two of my friends are helping advise me on board selection . After considering second hand and low budget, I thought the safest option was to go big.  1.     Red Ride 10’8 at £802 (I get a discount)  2.     Quroc Qi Crossover £769 (no discount) 3 ?????   Being old, I think presents a balance issue, which I feel confident either of these boards will help me overcome that as both are wide .  I’m not looking to break any records but… Read more »

Geoff Urwun
Geoff Urwun
2 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

I think you are right. I will try a few hire boards at Sandbanks in Uk . I did notice the Starboard Avanti 11ft has a slightly pointy end and is also a 36 inch wide. But its is expensive. Thanks Reuben for your expert advice and your time .

Geoff Urwun
Geoff Urwun
1 year ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

Thanks for your help Reuben. I’ll keep you posted . Geoff

Geoffrey Urwin
Geoffrey Urwin
1 year ago

Hi Guys, just looked at your reviews of the Gladiator Pro and Elite. You may remember I’m 71, fit, balance issues, still awaiting weather issues for my first lesson. I’m suspecting she will recommend stability (i.e. 34′ wide and the 11′ 6′ Gladiator) 2 questions. At my age, Id prefer not to ‘board hop’ so the best as a ‘keeper’ is what I’m looking for. My potential group do up and down Stour at Christchurch Dorset. Budget for happiness is not an issue at my age. So if it were Gladiator (as you guys reviewed ) I like the weave… Read more »

Geoffrey Urwin
Geoffrey Urwin
1 year ago

Hi Guys. I’m a 71 year old rookie. Had a few lessons and just now need to practise lots. Please help with my decision on selection. I have everything except paddle and board. When I’m good enough I’d like to join the river / flatwater / or Sandbanks paddlers. I’m 6ft 2, 16 stone (occasional vertigo) but fit for an old guy. I have a budget of about £1k . That might almost get me Starboard 12x33x6 iGo, and Pre Preg S35, XL, 2pc (as per Reubens paddle Youtube). Am I buying the right stuff? or can you point me… Read more »

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