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Is your board good quality? Test your drop-stitch density

Have you ever wondered if your iSUP is good quality or if it was a good buy? This quick test will help you answer one of the questions around drop-stitch density.

There are a few things which make up a good quality iSUP, including the quality of PVC, thickness of PVC, the way the rails are bonded and the drop-stitch density. The density of your drop-stitch is definitely one of the most important factors as it’s what gives rigidity and good responsiveness to your board . With almost all iSUPs having the same inflation/deflation valve this simple test can give you a really good idea of how many drop-stitch strands are going from top to bottom of the board. The more drop-stitch per in2 /cm2 of the board the better your board will perform on the water.

It’s also important to remember that this test doesn’t show you the quality of the strands of the drop-stitch. This is much harder to work out. But we would like to think that a board that is at a higher price point should have better strands!

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