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SUP Vlogger Ep19 / Hunting for shark egg cases with the Shark Trust

Shark SUPs get Harry, Beau and Clare out on the water with Paul Cox – CEO of the Shark Trust to go on a shark egg case hunt and to talk about shark conservation and shark interactions.

The Shark Trust is a UK based charity with the aim of safeguarding the future of sharks around the world through science, education, influence and action. Shark SUPs have teamed up with the Shark Trust to promote their cause and have based the design of each of their boards in their range on specific sharks. 

Get involved Eggcase Hunt apps here: 


Learn more about sharks, egg cases and how you can help on the Shark Trust on their website

Learn more about Shark SUP and see all there Shark inspired boards on there website

Shark SUPs used on the day

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Bracken Jelier
Bracken Jelier
3 years ago

Love this! How interesting. Can’t wait to get out on the beach and on the board to do some egg case hunting with the family.

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