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Where do you start?! Buying an iSUP in 2019

Just where do you start?! … If you are looking at buying an iSUP in 2019 there’s a massive choice of boards out there at all kinds of price points. In this SUPboarder Pro video we help you understand why iSUPs vary in price so much, what to look out for when buying an iSUP, […]

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5 years ago

I’d buy a board with your face on it! This information is very good, shame it’s not free to all but a PRO membership is certainly value for money and this is very well informed. Good work!

Craig Thorne
Craig Thorne
3 years ago

I dont know if I watch these videos for the information or just enjoy the videos full stop…haha Reuben, great information i’ll skip the paddle board with your face on it if you don’t mind. haha you guys work really hard for the clan of the paddle boards. tough choice as a new comer but its honest reliable info. Going on your budget boards I saw one in the “Range” it was shocking I hope they dont continue its was just awful. even for someone on a budget it was money wasted. anyway. love the info love the information shown… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

My.board will be lovely when it turns up. I’ve saved for about a year and half. Had a lesson and a few hires. But I’ve ordered a 12.6 voyager. I could be paddling for ever..haha Actually putting something out there to find the worse board could be a good idea to help people choose a fab board for their budget. Few years ago some people gloted at people on poor boards which was quite dissapointing as some people just don’t have the dollar to pay for top boards and may even struggle for the mid range boards. We all need… Read more »

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