SB / Your story so far is truly inspirational. How does SUP fit into your journey?
AH / SUP is the only sport where I’m able to just be, which with how busy I tend to be is massively important.
Cycling gives me a sense of freedom, windsurfing is the adrenaline, but SUP is the only thing where I go out and my mind goes blank.
No one can get hold of me and every time I go out, I always end up just sitting on my board half way through and relaxing – it’s great!
Plus, the workout is amazing!
SB / How did you plan your route and how flexible will you be with your journey?
AH / I got out a map and began ticking off my bucket list haha!
To set the world record, I have to fulfill certain criteria’s and one of those is going 18,000 miles, so I had to add in some countries.
The route is being planned pretty solidly, but I’m flexible. I might come across a bear or my bike might break, so I have to be flexible.
SB / So will you need extra time to rest and recover?
AH / I’m allowing 8 months for me to complete the challenge with 1 months worth of rest days. The leg where I had my cancer in is weaker so I need to be careful. If I push it too far, the pain is high and my foot swells up!
SB / Are you doing this solo or will you be supported on the way?
AH / I won’t be supported but I do want people to join me. The reason behind that is because even if I didn’t say it, all I ever wanted was support. I’m hoping that people will join me for a mile or 100 miles if they can and I want them to take that back to their loved ones to say “I’m here for you”.
SB / Tell us little bit about the kit you’ll be using.
AH / The bike is currently being made by Hartleys Cycles and I’m really excited! Caren who is building the bike is a fellow woman in sport and she’s extremely talented!
I went for a bike fitting with Mal and Jo from La Beau Velo in London. They whole process was incredible and they took a very holistic approach to the fitting. It’s also the first time someone hasn’t been scared of my leg and given me advice about it, which is great!
With those measurements, Caren is building the bike so it’ll be a perfect fit. I’ll need it to be spot on to prevent injury and to make sure I’m as comfortable as possible.
Along with that, I’ll be using a Carry Freedom trailer and putting all of the kit on there, which brings me nicely to my snazzy new SUP!
I’m extremely lucky to have the guys at Red Paddle Co supporting me on this one. Thank you!!!
I’ll be using the 13’2”Explorer (see the SUPboarder review here – ed) which will be able to take my weight and the weight of my kit. It’s being delivered soon and I cannot wait to take it out and put it through it’s paces.
SB / Will you need to transport your SUP all the way or will you send it ahead to the spots you want to paddle?
AH / It’ll be a mixture of both. I want the SUP with me as much as possible because you never know what you might come across.
There might be a hidden lake somewhere or a canal and I’ll want to SUP if I see that!
There’s a good chance I’ll send the SUP for some of America simply because I won’t be able to SUP all of it and I know which bit I am doing including Deep Cove in Canada, New York and the Missouri River.
SB / Talking of paddle spots, how have you decided on where you will SUP and when on the water what will happen to the rest of your kit?
AH / When I’m SUP-ing, the rest of the kit will be moved forward by either whoever is with me, or a taxi.
My partner is joining me in New Zealand for a couple of weeks, so he’ll take care of the bike while I SUP the gorgeous Lake Tahoe!
There’s plenty of options, I’ve just got to be a bit savvy.
Where I’m SUP-ing again comes down to the bucket list haha! I’m definitely going to be SUP-ing Lake Tahoe in NZ, Great Barrier Reef in Aus, Deep Cove in Canada and my personal favourite (and a little closer to home) Lake Windermere.
SB / How much SUPping have you done prior to the trip? Will this influence your paddle choices?
AH / I’ve paddled for about two years now? Mostly I just use my windsurf board so I can’t say I’m the most technically minded when it comes to choosing equipment.
The Explorer board simply ticked the boxes. It can take my equipment, is a more advanced board and at the end of the day looks gorgeous. And yes, having all my kit match is very important hahaha!
SB / How can people support you, before and during the event? Will you have live tracking on your website?
AH / The best way people can support me is by going to my website and donating. You can find me at: www.worldsupbikerun.com. It has everything including a donate page.
I’m aiming to raise £100k so I want the donations going there, plus I’ve also set up a paypal button if people can spare the cost of a coffee or lunch, so I’m able to eat and drink properly while away.
I’m also hosting a fundraising dinner on Saturday 20th February and people can book tickets here: SUP Bike Run Fundraising Dinner
When I get going, I’m hoping to have live tracking and a little picture of me wherever I am haha! I’ll also be tweeting on @Adrianne_Hill and blogging along the way!
The whole thing will be filmed with my new Polaroid Cube action cam and I’m taking the cool Polaroid border pictures for a book I’m writing.
I’m hoping people will support the challenge as the two charities touch so many people’s lives and provide so much support.
With less than 6 weeks to go until departure, Adrianne is busy getting ready to go on this adventure of a lifetime. SUPboarder wishes her happy and healthy travels, and looks forward to following her journey along the way. You can keep up to date with Adrianne’s progress here on SUPboarder, and support her via the links above.