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2024 Kernow Foil Classic

In October this year, The Kernow Foil Classic ran for the second year. This event draws the best foilers and wing foilers from around the UK and internationally for a month long celebration of foiling featuring competition, festivals and good times.

Prone Division

On Thursday 17th the energy at Daymer was buzzing from sun up to sundown as we completed the Prone division 1, 2 and ladies categories.

Conditions weren’t easy and the strong split tides definitely kept us all on our toes with a changing water and beach environment, but kicking of with sunrise heats through to a glory afternoon which rolled into a beautiful sunset final we crowned winners after watching an impressively high level of riding from not only the podium winner, but also stand out locals such as Mie Chapman and Andy Houlder who were also joined on the water by the glowing positive energy of the Isle of Wight foil crew.

Prone Results:
Division 1
1st – Jack Ho
2nd – Guy Bridge
3rd – Tom Earl

Division 2
1st – Joph Carter
2nd – Chris Manion
3rd – Tom Goringe

1st – Rachel Knott

Wing Division

Ahead of the 25th we began to get excited after giving a green light to a wing comp as we’d watched a solid NW wind and swell hold steady in the forecast, but as we woke on the 24th a sudden change in the weather pattern shifted conditions and threw a full 180 degree wind shift curve ball.
Now reading SE winds, the unfortunate decision to cancel the comp was made due to unsafe and un-contestable conditions at our permitted event site – Daymer Bay.

But – that was wasn’t going to stop play, there was still energy in the air, the water and amongst the riders, so adapting to conditions and making the most of cornwal’s divers conditions we rallied up the crew and arranged to head south for 2 glory sessions together in a jam format with riders shredding together at Marazion and then Gwithian.

It was a day for the books with over 30 of the UK’s best wing foilers hitting the water in a flurry of positive energy, hyped to be sharing waves, attacking lips and charging fast sections together with each other.

Riders voted results:
Best Wave – Guy Bridge
Smoothest Flow – Callum Robertson
Hardest Ride – Andy Houlder
Worst Crash – Toby Cunliffe
Best Vibe – Guy Cribb


Wrapping up the Kernow Foil Classic 2024 with a party with over 80 frothing foilers huddled together at the brewery – each stoked after a day on the water and at the beach checking out the sponsors latest kit. There was great vibes as everyone tucked into good food and drink whilst watching the prize giving and getting involved with the generic foiling pod quiz.

The drinks flowed and energy was high as live music took us into the early hours. A great chance to reflect on the 16 days of the 2024 kernow foil classic – which sadly didn’t deliver classic conditions but did bring a bunch of like minded people together for whole lot of amazing sessions which will be revised over and over throw memories and a whole lot of videos and pictures we’re excitedly sifting through and share.

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