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Blue Highway: A Hydrofoil Adventure

Here is the trailer for a short film by Foil Drive capturing the beauty of the Kaiwi Channel crossing by foil in Hawaii.

Join our voyagers as they traverse this legendary waterway, offering a fresh perspective on a place typically filled with the chaos and excitement of race season. This time, we come together as a team to focus on the energy of the ocean, the Blue Highway. The crossing follows the path of the esteemed race, Moloka’i to O’ahu (M2O), a passage celebrated as an accomplishment regardless of the craft. The assisted power of Foil Drive, this route becomes accessible for some, reimagining the experience for seasoned adventurers and newcomers alike. From the playful swell of the shoreline, to the depths of the channel, prepare to enter the deep in a whole new way.

Featuring: Jack Ho, Josh Ku, Kahi Pacarro & Paul Cooper Directed By: Matty Leong Photographer: Slater Neborsky Produced By: Foil Drive & Josh Ku

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