If you are looking to learn to Wing Foil this year, be sure to check out the SUPboarder Beginner How to Wing Foil Series which focusses on the main stumbling blocks we have seen as people start Wing Foiling.
The series covers three main key areas to help you progress in the early stages of wing foiling. From understanding the foil and how it works under your feet and how to control it when you start flying (Part 1) to getting flying and staying flying in lighter winds (Part 2). Part 3 looks at foiling gybes and going switch stance. There are lots of beginner vids already out there telling you the basics of Winging & Wing Foiling. Our videos are focussing on what appear to be the main stumbling blocks. So whether you’re totally new to Wing Foiling and yet to hit the water, or you’ve already committed and got your own gear but are struggling… we hope these videos will be useful.
Part 1 – The foil… How it works under your feet and how to control it when you start to fly!
In this first video in our ‘Wing Foiling Series’ Reuben takes a closer look at the foil, explaining how it works under your feet, and how to control it when you start to fly! By having a greater understanding of the foil and what makes it go up and down, you’ll hopefully feel more in control and be able to stay flying for longer. There’s lots you can practice to help make it a smooth flight!
Part 2 – Getting flying and staying flying in lighter winds
In this second video in our ‘Wing Foiling Series’ Reuben explains how you can get flying and stay flying in lighter winds. Knowing how to be efficient with your wing and foil will allow you to utilise what wind you do have to the max, enabling you to get up on the foil and keep flying through those lulls. There’s lots to think about and practice, but it’s worth it, because it will only increase your flying time!
Part 3 – Foiling gybes and going switch stance
In this third video in our ‘Wing Foiling Series’ Reuben explains how to successfully get around your foiling gybes, as well as offering some top tips for riding switch stance. Timings, foot and body positioning and board trim are key to success… as well as lots of practice!
Nice one Reuben, thanks for another great video. Finally took the plunge after several months of dithering about and have ordered some wing foil gear (Gong Zuma 6’3 and 1650 gong foil), also a second hand 5m duotone wing. We’ll see how it goes but I’ll be using your videos to get me started. I’m certainly not hanging up my longboard SUP just yet, just might be nice to have something to do when it’s windy or no decent waves. Will probably try it as a SUP foil as well. Should I have a shorter mast for that I wonder?… Read more »
Heu Chris nice one, There are pros and cons to different length masts. What length mast have you got? I wouldnt say buy anything yet just use what you have got and maybe let us know how you get on and we can go from there.