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Performance Surf SUP Board Test 2020 / SUPboarder PRO Head To Head

In our third SUPboarder PRO test for 2020 we’re testing Surf SUPs – looking more towards more performance shape that will offer a good level of performance for the more experienced riders but also highlighting the boards that will also help the improver intermediated SUP surfer into more performance surfing.

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5 years ago

Great stuff, Thank you very much. Reuben, I have the Smik Hipster 7.10×29.5 109 liters. I am súper happy, comming from a stubby board I am experimenting the new feeling of engaging the rail in bottom turns etc, it’s super smooth in the water like butter in the turns. But I am still struggling with getting my back foot to the very back to the kick tail and when I do I ending like with super open legs and looks horrible, I think I should turn my backside knee also inside so that my legs are not super open. When… Read more »

Reuben Ellis
5 years ago
Reply to  Ramon

Hey Ramon, Good to hear from you. Glad you are enjoying the Smik. The comments you have written above has made me realise that we should do a video showing and talking through, Stance and foot placement. There’s a few things you can do a dry land to get the feeling of things. Its going to be very hard to write it down in a comment or email , so will be best to show you.. I will get on it and try and get it put together in the next week. Training Camps… Yes this is something we get… Read more »

5 years ago

Thanks for the in depth review. I’d love to try the Starboard and Fanatic boards one of these day. Maybe I’ll go for one of these for my next SUP. I tried the Inifinity and that wider tail made it a bit hard in really steep reef waves but it was basically the opposite of what I’m currently using so maybe it was just the shape gap. I should be able to try the SMIK in a week but it’s not radical enough for me from what I see. That aside, I’m glad to see the SIC as I plan… Read more »

Reuben Ellis
5 years ago
Reply to  Lucas

Hey Lucas Thanks for the top comments. The SIC will suit a lot of paddlers and it is tough for sure. If I could have my way I would have 3 boards. Infinity for average days and smaking lips, when you dial this board in it really surfs well. The Hipster (Custom smaller one) for really working on technique in most surf conditions and a Starboard Pro for the fast compact surfing in faster better waves.

5 years ago

getting better all the time. Great review.

Reuben Ellis
5 years ago
Reply to  seanross

5 years ago

Great comparison. I ride an 8’4″ HipTwin and it is fantastic in larger hollower waves up to head and a half.

Reuben Ellis
5 years ago

Great to hear your feedback.

5 years ago

I did subscribe to watch this video but only have access to the trailer. Please help.
Where is the link for the full test.

Reuben Ellis
5 years ago
Reply to  Thierry

Hey Thierry
Sorry for the delay on getting back to you on this. We have had a short break over Christmas. When you are logged in the video will change at the top of the screen to the Pro full video. The SUPboarder logo at the top of the screen should also change to SUPboarder Pro too. Please let me know if you are still having problems seeing the video.Thanks for the support and signing into Pro. Any other question about gear and boards get in contact. Thanks Reuben

5 years ago

Hi guys,
Can you consider the Starboard as a back footer? I did tried it and didnt like at all because i had to put my backfoot on the really back of the pads. It was not comfortable to carve on bottom.
Is it coming from the back fins position? The board is really a backfooter? I am front footer. Are quads can solve the problem regarding my front foot style ?
I absolutly not have this problem on the Fanatci and smick that i did tried also….
Tx for your opinion.

Reuben Ellis
5 years ago
Reply to  Thierry

Hey Thierry , thanks for your question. Generally I would say not really. The 7’5 we tested was almost the opposite, its was very easy to turn and carve compared the other boards tested. What size was the one you tested and do you remember the fins setup? ie where the US fin was in the fin box? I will talk about this in this weeks ‘Ask the Experts’. Its a very good question. That ok? Thanks

5 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

It was the 8’3 starlite construction, quite heavy, with trin fins…..
So maybe by playing on fins it should change the way to carve.

I have no issue to carve with smik and fanatic,….or maybe the bigger version has slightly different volume on tail?

I will try to moove forward the center fin and change to quad as well.
I will check also my personal technic

Reuben Ellis
5 years ago
Reply to  Thierry

Yeah. I will speak about this in tomorrow ‘Ask the Experts ‘ video. Its got to be all about the back fin placement. Try the Centre fin around 3″ back from side fins. Also it could be that the fin is too big. A quad should only make it feel worst and more lock in unless you get the back fins small! let us know how you get on.
4 years ago

Hi, I just joined to get access to the performance surf sup test, but it only plays the standard intro clip. If I click on the subscribe it says I am subscribed.

4 years ago

i like the infinity but i don’t no wich size is the best for me. The 7.7 or the 7.11. I am 176cm and my weight is 69kg. Now i am surfing a 7.2 and 95l with a wide tail and nose but i want a little bit more performance. I prefere the 7.7 but would it be stable.

Reuben Ellis
4 years ago
Reply to  yannick

Hey yannick. What is the 7’2 you are riding now? And how easy do you find riding it? These boards do feel pretty stable for the size, but it really depends on what board you are coming from. Let me know and I will help some more. Thanks

4 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

Hey now i am riding a gong mob 7.2 and 95l. It is best easy i can stand up while waiting on the wave without paddling. I tried a few times a fanatic pro wave 7.4 80l on flat water and that was ok. I think the infinity B line 7.7 and 7.11 or both ok but i am afraid 7.11 is too long or length is not so important.

Reuben Ellis
4 years ago
Reply to  yannick

Hey, Well if you can use the Prowave 80l you will be fine on the Bline 78L 7’7. The Bline actually feels more stable than the fanatic 7’4”. We’ve got both those boards.

4 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

hey someone told me the B line was a little hard to engage the rail. In the test it seems generally a perfect board for several waves and conditions. he likes more the smik hipster.

Reuben Ellis
4 years ago
Reply to  yannick

In slower weaker waves the Bline is so much fun and is easy to engage the rail. But if you are surfing faster bigger waves the rail is harder to engage and your turns are more longer and drawn out…this is due to the wider tail shape. The hipster is a really good all round shape that can handle most wave types. But because of the width it still wont handle speed that well but it will be easier to engage the rail because of the thinner tail width. Does that help?

4 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

Thanks Reuben it helps a lot. I surf more in slower weaker waves it’s just 2 or3 weeks on holiday i surf bigger faster waves. I think you don’t have to buy a sup for 2 weeks a year. I go for the B line.

Reuben Ellis
4 years ago
Reply to  yannick

Good move, have fun.
4 years ago

Great comparisons! I really appreciate how you toss it back tho the rider to figure out their specific style. My daily driver is a 7’11” Infinity RNB (28′, 98L) It seems to handle anything I throw at it but on more aggressive head high and overhead waves, I’m not getting as many turns in as I’d like to. On bigger days I’m usually doing a big drop, tucking in and flying down the line. I’m looking to have something in my quiver that I can step down into on these days, something more “pro”. I LOVE infinity boards and it… Read more »

Reuben Ellis
4 years ago

Hey Phil. Thanks for your feedback and comments on your RNB. You are spot on in thinking about moving onto a Blur instead of a Bline. The Bline will feel different to the RNB but its a bit of a crossover between the two boards, RNB & Blur. I think if Infinity sent us a Blur instead of an Bline it would of come out better in the pro shape test. I feel like a Blur will be the best move for you on those bigger/faster days. But this is still my gut feeling as I haven’t used the Blur… Read more »
4 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

Thanks Ruben,
I’m gonna try and set up a demo with a Blur. Seems like the RNB and Blur would be a good combo. That and a longboard (another discussion). I’ll probably stick with Infinity. I’ve had 7 or so SUPs and the 2 custom Infinities have been magic.

Reuben Ellis
4 years ago

You can never have too many SUPs!

Paul McNally
Paul McNally
4 years ago

Hi Reuben, loving the reviews. Was wondering if you had managed to try out any other Sunova boards. They seem to have a wide variety. I’m saving up my pennies at the moment and am deciding between a starboard wide point and a sunova creek. I’m 95kg and 183cm, Intermediate level surfer on east coast Scottish waves. I have travelled a bit so would like to keep the board under 300cm if possible for airline restrictions.

Reuben Ellis
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul McNally

Hi Paul. We have always been impressed with the Sunova boards we have used. But we do struggle to get hold of them to review and test.And unfortunately I can’t tell you what the new creek is like. But at a guess and looking at the shape of the board it should really compete well against the wide point. I really think you’re looking at the right types of boards they do offer a huge amount of performance for their size.

Paul McNally
Paul McNally
4 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

Thanks for the speedy response. Do you have any other recommendations for other brands boards of a similar nature?

Reuben Ellis
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul McNally

Hey Paul, if you are in the process of saving up. I would definitely wait till autumn and see what new boards are out.
Heads up… I know the Wide Point has change for 2021 and the new shape might be what you are looking for even-more. I cant say to much now but I have just seen the pics and it could be a winner!

Paul McNally
Paul McNally
4 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

Thanks Reuben

4 years ago

Guys great review and for me (in Sydney Oz) and maybe many others you have chosen a bunch of boards readily available for the most part. And for me and my surfing you nailed the board that works, the Smik Hipster in sm to med waves, clean or mushy, so much fun.

Reuben Ellis
4 years ago
Reply to  whassup

Its a winner great board. Thanks for your feedback

Ismael Freire
Ismael Freire
4 years ago

which is the best board for 1,5 mts mediterranean hollow and steep waves?

Reuben Ellis
4 years ago
Reply to  Ismael Freire

I dropped a note back to you on YT too. I would have the Starboard Pro.

Walter Toniolo
Walter Toniolo
4 years ago

Hello!.. I just subscribed to SUPBoarderPRO yesterday but can only see the short trailer of this performance surf sup board test video. I can see other pro video postings. Has this video been pulled off?

Reuben Ellis
3 years ago
Reply to  Walter Toniolo

Hey Walter. Is it all ok now? Its usually just to do with your computers refresh rate. You can always try in another browser? Please let me know if its still a problem. Thanks for joining us on Pro and remember any questions just ask, Reuben

Walter Toniolo
Walter Toniolo
3 years ago
Reply to  Reuben Ellis

Thanks Reuben!.. yes, I was able to view the video using a different browser. That is a weird cache thing going on between the site and our browsers. Anyway, thanks for all the great content. It’s not always easy to demo boards we are thinking about investing some serious cash in. Your product reviews are like nothing else out there and it really helps!

Reuben Ellis
3 years ago
Reply to  Walter Toniolo

Great stuff. Remember email us with any questions too . Thanks for the sub

4 years ago

Hi, I’ve subscribed to the pro Channel, but struggling to get the rest of this test and can’t find it anywhere. Please help! I’m logged on the pro channel!!!

Reuben Ellis
3 years ago
Reply to  barney1

Hi Barney, is it all sorted now?
It’s usually just to do with your computers cache which is the way it updates and refreshes its memory (or the way I understand it as a non-techy person :-). Try and log into a new browser and sign in to pro and the video should be there. Failing that if it’s still a problem please let us know and I’ll get the team to look into it. Thanks again for joining us on Pro, any questions please ask Reuben

3 years ago

Hi. I had a infinity B line 7.11 86l for 6 months it was great. I changed for a infinty Blurr 7.8 80l one size lower. I am not comfortble on the Blurr. i am going to change it again to a B line. the question. should i take again a 7.11 or a 7.8. Is the B line really more comfotable during waiting stand up.

Beau Nixon
3 years ago
Reply to  yannick

Hi Yannick, thanks for the comment. Because the B-line has that wider outline, it will feel more stable than the Blurr. The Blurr also has a step rail, which makes you feel like you are standing higher off the water than you actually are. If you could paddle around on the 7’8 Blurr at 80L volume, then you should have no problem on the 7’7 B-Line. But if you want to stick on the safe side, stay with the 7’11.

yannick marien
yannick marien
3 years ago
Reply to  Beau Nixon

Thanks. I go for the safe one.

Ken Spence
Ken Spence
2 years ago

33:25, solid advice, didn’t know this, thank you!

Reuben Ellis
2 years ago
Reply to  Ken Spence

Hope the video helped. Thanks for the comment

Richard Feeney
Richard Feeney
1 year ago

Loving the pro reviews, amazing job guys. I’ve been on a hipsters twin 7’10” but feeling like it’s a bit big for me now and trying other boards where I can but really appreciate the in-depth breakdown of the different shapes and wave types that suit. Just fell in love with the Sunova speed 7’11” after testing but can now see it was only in waves that it was suitable for. It’s great to have a solid test base to compare from you guys.

Reuben Ellis
1 year ago
Reply to  Richard Feeney

Thanks Richard. I to agree about the Speed , I love it but only in certain waves.

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