Following on from the boat tow session and the downwind session with the Naish Malolo Foil, Will and Reuben from SUPboarder went off in search of waves to give their first SUP surf foil session a go. The conditions were far from perfect on the day due to high winds but they found a small waist to chest high swell to get up on the foil for the first time. From zero to definitely not hero, Will found riding the foil in surf challenging, but the progression was quite quick. We hope you find the video blog of his first SUP surf foil session interesting, educational and a good laugh!
Reuben said : I was filming today and I really enjoyed watching (and laughing! ) But it does make you realise how safety conscious you have to be with a foil in the surf, with or without others in the line up. We went to a very quiet beach and the 3 surfers that were out knew what we were doing (and they enjoyed the laughs too). Most of the time Will was on his own peak well away from others, as you can see in the vid. A helmet is essential especially when in windy conditions. These foils are amazing pieces of kit but they need to be used with caution. You don’t need big waves, but as Will found out, foot placement is paramount! Watching the nailings from the beach was just as much fun as watching him get up on the foil for the first time. Sorry for the shaky camera, it’s hard to hold the camera steady when you are crying so much!! 🙂.
Watch the Naish Malolo Foil VIDEO blog – # 1 First downwinding session
It’s hard to know who is having more fun you with a commentary or Will falling off very good