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2024 Sancti Petri – Euro Tour SUP

There was spectacular action at stop number three of the Euro Tour SUP for the Sancti Petri SUP race that went down this past weekend in Spain.

*Press Release: EuroTour SUP

For the women’s race, Mariecarmen Rivera put down her best performance to date to claim the win. Keeping her stiff opposition at bay, she sustained the lead from start to finish. One of the world’s best Duna Gordillo took second place and was the only one that kept close to the winner on a fine performance. On her first Euro Tour competition Rika Okuaki impressed everyone finishing third. Showing great momentum in 4th was Iona Rivet, and closing the Top5 was Laura Quetglas that had a very consistent race.

For the men’s race, Shuri Araki  is clearly the world’s best paddler at the moment, completely dominating the race course with spectacular buoy turns and catching any waves or bumps available for the win. One of the most in form paddlers at the moment is Aaron Sanchez that had one of his best performances in second place. After great results the last few weekends Rai Taguchi killed it in third. Inches away was Manual Hoyuela in 4th with David Lea closing out the Top 5.

With past Euro Tour SUP champions in the mix barely making the Top10 it’s clear again where the world’s best athletes were this weekend.

We really want to thank Lucia, Marta, the entire crew of volunteers & all the staff at Atenas Playa for flawlessly turning this regional event into the biggest international event in the South in Spain to date. Their enthusiasm and willingness to help & accommodate everyone were key for its success.

Stay tuned for Euro Tour’s biggest event next week, the Barcelona SUP World Fest, 18-19th May, 2024.

Mens Results -

Top 10 Men:

  1. Shuri Araki
  2. Aaron SĂ¡nchez
  3. Rai Taguchi
  4. Manuel Hoyuela
  5. David Leao
  6. Ollie Houghton
  7. Antonio Morillo
  8. Ricardo Rossi
  9. Luis Perotti
  10. Titouan Puyo

Womens Results -

Top 10 Women:

  1. Mari Carmen Rivera
  2. Duna Gordillo
  3. Rika Okuaki
  4. Iona Rivet
  5. Laura Quetglas
  6. Elena Etxeberria
  7. Amelia Moral
  8. Bianca Toncelli
  9. Camille Houron
  10. Miriana Manglalasche

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