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Longboard SUP Revolution Bali Event 2024 – SUP Surf Competition Insights by Beau Nixon

In this SUPboarder PRO video, Beau Nixon shares insights into his recent experience competing in the Longboard SUP Revolution Bali event. He reveals his equipment choices for the competition and heat strategies that were employed.  

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10 months ago

Thanks, great insight!
Even more impressive results having some of your equipment context!
Am I mistaken or you seem to be on top of your game in terms of shape/fitness?
Talked with one of the competitor recently, he was impressed with your surfing, but not surprised, I thought it was a bike thing but it seems to apply to longboard supsurfing too: when you know how to, you know…
I heard your family enjoyed the trip too.
Congrats, Happy for you.

10 months ago

Enjoyable video Beau. The Kalama board you were riding is still in production. I think it would be good of you to do a more detailed review of that board. I am curious how it would compare to the Starboard Go Surf you previously reviewed. My guess is the Go Surf would be more of a recreational surf sup for beginners. I think the Kalama is around 15 pounds. Thats lite.What is the bottom shape of the Kalama ? Thanks

9 months ago
Reply to  Beau Nixon

Thanks Beau. I guess a more apples to apples comparison would be Kalama vs Starboard long boards. The Starboards have domed decks I think.

You Said the Go Surf is much heavier on the wave. Is that a 100 % negative ?

9 months ago
Reply to  Beau Nixon

Thanks Beau. Great info

9 months ago

Loved seeing the clips from this, thanks for sharing. Is there any live footage anywhere?
A longboard SUP will be my next purchase. Though I can paddle my normal non sup longboard, it’s just a bit small for me to SUP really.

You said they wanted to add a 10ft longboard sup event and you rode a 9ft board. Is there a range then?

Micky Griffith
Micky Griffith
7 months ago

Hi Beau, thanks for the video. Always interesting. Looked some sizeable waves. Well done on getting to the final. I’m still benefiting from your advice, including, as you reference in the video, knowing where your back foot is at all times. Hope the family are all good. Thanks Micky

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