Cal Major, one of SUP's biggest inspirations, is paddling around Scotland to explore our human connection to the ocean, and the ocean ecosystems' vital role in the climate and biodiversity crises.
Cal began her journey in May 2021 and is rounding the coastline near Aberdeen at this minute. She is accompanied by James Appleton Photography and they are filming for a docu-series and linking in with the Our Seas campaign calling for protection of our seabed from bottom trawling and scallop dredging.
Along the way, she has witnessed and documented tragic events of animals at sea, freed seabirds caught in nets and line, collected any litter that crosses her path and is actively shouting about the conservation efforts that are happening locally, but also need to be done globally.
It’s a big year for Scotland – Year of Coast and Waters – and in November Glasgow will be hosting the UN climate talks, COP26 so Cal has made it her challenge to SUP around Scotland to showcase the beauty and rawness of its coastline and sea life.
Keep up to date with Cal on her social media channels;