Chris Kenyon from Central SUP has got a series of winter SUP challenges for us, to keep us all stoked on SUP this winter… Check out challenge Number 1.
How do you keep the winter stoke alive?? Its cold, its dark and its wet but we band of paddlers don’t care about that! This winter Central SUP has come up with a simple but fun concept that means everyone can do it, that’s right everyone! The Central SUP winter challenges are for the everyman , woman, child, canine or other and the first one is about to start this coming Sunday 9th. Rather than organising full on races why not try something different this winter and bring a bit of the social side into your paddling. This can be done by all clubs of course not just Central SUP. In fact we encourage clubs to take part so we can get a gigantic league table too! Also it means you can try and beat your pals at another club in another part of the country and not even do it at the same time. Yes, conditions will come into play but this is about fun and inclusion so just be as honest as you can and describe your location and what conditions you did the challenge in.
So what’s the first challenge I hear you say? Well, for those of you who remember the good old days of SUP when we fashioned our paddles with our own bare hands from broom handles and carved boards from trees and racing meant chucking a coke bottle in the water and going hell for leather on any old board you had at the time with your mates then this first challenge is for you ! Simply pick a point 100m offshore and paddle as fast as you can there and back, obviously the old rules apply – 12’6, 14ft or all round categories will be separated to ensure fairness but that is it! Then all you need to do is have a board (preferably not your carbon 14ft) proudly displayed on your club or pub wall with the names and times of each paddler for everyone to see. A bit like the ‘I got the round in ‘board at the local. The challenge runs for a week until Sunday 16th November. You can then post your results on your chosen social media and send them to SUPboarder where we can post a league table! Simple and fun.
The challenges will vary on each occasion and we would love to hear what you think they should be, they can be as wacky and as crazy as you want not just a pure physical challenge. Just drop an email to chris.kenyon@centralsup.com with your idea. So give it a go this weekend and good SUP to you all!
Words : Chris Kenyon, Central SUP.
So send us your times for how fast you can paddle 100m to reuben@supboardermag.com or via our Facebook page here. And remember to tell Chris what SUP challenges you’d like to take on this winter.