Kickstarter the Netherlands live on 29th of April 2014
Dear family, friends, colleagues and other awesome people,
As you probably all know I have been working on my own start up Shurfing since last year. If not, we should hang out more!
A short summary for those who don’t know what Shurfing is:
Shurfing is an online peer-2-peer sharing surfing platform which allows all surfers kitesurfing/windsurfing/wavesurfing/stand-up-paddleboarding) to share their surfgear online and rent it out to others worldwide. Surfers all over the world experience the same problem when travelling; major airline costs for transportation of their gear and the hassle of carrying their heavy surf equipment all over the world.
Once decided not to take your surf gear an extensive search will start for surfshops who are willing to rent you surf equipment on your desired location. If they are willing to rent out it is most of the time a ridiculous high price due to their monopoly in the area.
You get the point right? The solution is renting from the locals through Shurfing and it’s AMAZING!
Since our launch we have had great feedback from our users, magazines and in interviews. Now we are ready to expand BIG TIME!
That’s why we want to finish our second version of the platform quicker and better than before. To get this done we need to hire some extra developers, and booooooy are they expensive! Our piggy bank is running out of money and we only need a little bit of help from you guys to finish this amazing sharing surfing platform.
On Kickstarter we have a project going where we need €5000 of funding to finish our second version before the European summer starts. If we go over the €5000, which would be absolutely AWESOME, the development of the mobile application can start as well.
We have future strategic partnerships lined up with insurance companies and airlines, a few ambassadors in different continents and some original ideas for our App.
Wanna know more? Search for Shurfing’s project rewards on Kickstarter or just click on the following link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/803642799/sharing-surfing-shurfing
Thanks a million and remember: sharing is caring! So tell everyone you know!
Windy regards,
Richard Klomp
The Shurfing Team