British Stand Up Paddle Board Association Annual General Meeting 16th May 2013, Poole Dorset
Present; Simon Harrow (Chairman), Richard Marsh (Events Co-ordinator), Andy Gratwick (Training), Simon Basset (Training), Roger Turner (Treasurer), Ollie O Reilly (Communications)
Previous meeting
Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record
Chairman’s Report
A more in-depth report will be published shortly
Simon Harrow reported that it has been a difficult year with a lot of external criticism and a high BSUPA work load. However Simon Harrow mentioned that at the lengthy General Meeting that preceded the AGM that substantial progress has been made in coming up with a strategy to deal with the main issues that face BSUPA
These issues were identified as ;
o Encompassing the rapidly growing SUP club scene
o Providing a range of events
o Improving communications (website etc)
Membership Report
Simon Harrow said that the membership stands at 200, with 308 individuals having been trained as instructors. There are 100 pending (lapsed) members
Treasurers Report
Roger Turner reported that BSUPA currently have around £3,000 in our Current Account, with around £2,000 of recently accrued debt and outstanding credit of less than £200
Roger Turner mentioned that the main source of BSUPA income derives from training and memberships driven from new instructors courses. The main cost is Insurance at approximately £3,400 per year
Roger Turner said that BSUPA now pay suppliers and expect payments rapidly
Events Activities Report
Rich Marsh mentioned that BSUPA intends to run a number of events in 2013 and beyond. Richard Marsh said that the organisation of events is a time consuming activity and that many factors need to be considered in producing a successful and safe event.
The following events list was presented
o Watergate Bay Joint BSUPA/BKSA event (held in April with enhancements from lessons learnt from similar event last year and reconfirmed for 2014))
o H20 Sports Demo Day, Poole in June. BSUPA will organise taster sessions, and fun racing with BAYSUP running the technical and high level racing
o Bray Lake duathlon (running and SUP) and adventure race on the Thames. Joint event with Simon Frost
o Action Van, Hamble. Joint event with charitable connection via Wave 105 Radio Station
o Paddle-Round-the Pier, Brighton. Joint event with organisers
o Southampton Boat Show, format TBC
o Boscombe, Bournemouth. Joint event with Surf Life Saving
o Watergate Bay, Wave Championship
o Continues as the qualifying event for World championship
o Kingsbridge, Devon, Race Championship
o (National Watersports Festival, Hayling Island, TBC)
Richard Marsh and others mentioned that at this stage it was impossible to organise a National Series of events due to the complexity of organising events. It was also discussed that in the future BSUPA may be able to organise additional Club level events, sanctioned by BSUPA and with a prescribed structure as long as funding and infrastructure are in place. Richard Marsh and Simon Harrow said that appropriate insurance needs to be in place for any BSUPA event.
BSUPA will continue to focus on structures, safety and delivery with Richard Marsh to help organise and (if required) run events.
Richard Marsh said that, for 2014, a list of events should be finalised by November
Andy Gratwick said there are now 20+ schools, forecast to double again and possibly there will be charge to schools for the administration requirements increasing
Andy Gratwick also listed training activities
o 21 ITCs
o 308 total trained instructors
o 140 instructor in last year
o estimated 6,000+ individuals accessing SUP in centres in last year
o Level 2 courses
Andy Gratwick mentioned Sam Ross’s substantial activity with Nielsen as a useful development
Andy Gratwick said that in the future Level 2 instructors will be required for BSUPA schools
Simon Basset said that various manual and certificate updates will be done
Andy Gratwick said that logbooks would be a useful development
BSUPA branded clothing will be provided for instructors and trainers
Any Other Business
Simon Harrow announced that it has been agreed to fund the development of a new website. This will allow OO-R (and others) to regularly update the website (and Facebook) to provide a hub for information
The ongoing relationship with AALA was discussed and considered as beneficial to BSUPA
Simon Harrow and Andy Gratwick led discussion around how to address the criticism from SUP clubs that there is no relationship with BSUPA.
BSUPA will offer SUP club members full BSUPA membership (including insurance) .
o £12 joining fee
o for clubs with more than 10 member
o £50 joining fee
Simon Harrow said that the low price should attract SUP clubs to engage with BSUPA for our mutual benefit. Clubs using this scheme will have to follow the BSUPA requirements.
The new role of a BSUPA Clubs Co-ordinator will help in developing links with SUP clubs and explaining the BSUPA offer. Simon Harrow mentioned that Sam Ross (BSUPA Trainer) has agreed to take this role.
Rich Marsh said that inclusion of SUP clubs with BSUPA will greatly enhance the social aspects of SUP .and bring the sport together.
BSUPA will have to have further discussions with Insurers to finalise the best agreement for these needs
Roger Turner said that discussions with the Environment Agency and Canals and Rivers Trust about SUP access to inland waterways had stalled. However Roger Turner said that BSUPA would continue to pursue these discussions in the hope that a block licence agreement can be reached. Members Martin Tillman, Simon Frost and Dave Jackson may be able to gain support and help with these negotiations.
Call for Trustees/Committee members
Simon Harrow resigned and was re-elected as Chairman
Richard Marsh proposed and elected as Vce Chairman and Events Co-ordinator
Ollie O Reilly to continue as Communications Co-ordinator
Sam Ross (in absentia) proposed and elected as Clubs Co-ordinator
Martin Tillman to work with Sam Ross on Clubs co-ordination
OO-R and Simon Harrow to continue to act as Membership Secretaries
Roger Turner to continue as Treasurer/Secretary
Andy Gratwick and Simon Basset to continue as Training Managers
Simon Harrow and Dave Jackson to take roles in Youth Development
Date of next General Meeting
TBC October at Crabshell Inn
Fore information visit the BSUPA website here: