Springs here, and summers on its way…. yeah right!!! I’m sure you’re not the only one feeling totally fed up with the weather and wishing you could be elsewhere… and ideally somewhere with some sun and your sup.
Well the good news is… it’s never been easier to get away with a SUP. At this time of year there are plenty of excellent last minute deals online, making it easy to find some sunshine without emptying your bank balance. Whether it’s a last minute cheap flight to The Canary Islands to find some waves, a car ferry deal to the south of france for an adventure, a 2-4-1 on the Eurostar to paddle through Paris, the offer of a trip on a mates yacht, or visiting mates by car, it’s all possible with a sup… but even more possible with an iSUP.
Travelling with a stand up paddleboard is always great fun, but can sometimes be a bit of a logistical nightmare with a hard board if not planned properly. Which is why the iSUP is ideal for the last minute get away.
iSUP’s pack up small so no need to worry whether you’ll fit your board in the car along with the family. No excess baggage charges when flying and no stress when watching the airport baggage handlers chuck your board across the tarmac. And definitely no sweaty palms for the entire flight wondering if your board fitted on the plane OK and will be coming off the other end in one piece! No transport worries when you get to your destination feeling tired/jet lagged. No need to hire a bigger and more expensive rental car just to accommodate your board, or have that feeling when the car rental company say.
“sorry we haven’t got the estate car you booked online available, but we have a small compact car.”
Or worrying about whether the dents in the roof will come out by the end of the week. And lastly, no storage issue when you’re staying in a nice hotel… just deflate it, brush off the sand, and store it in your hotel room without having to sneak your 10’5 past reception.
If you don’t own an iSUP no worries, you can always rent or borrow one with the confidence that it will be returned in the same condition you took it in. iSUPs are indestructible (well almost!) Even if your kids have been jumping on it, your girlfriends been sunbathing on it or you’ve eaten your picnic off it… you’ll have no worries.
Being able to take an iSUP with you means you don’t have to worry about not getting your paddleboard fix. And the variety of iSUPs available on the market today give you endless possibilities on your holiday. What you do with your iSUP is totally up to you. Enjoy larking around with the family, catch some waves down the beach, clock up the miles and get in some race training in preparation for your next event, go SUP fishing (just watch out for the hooks!) or cruise down the canal and get your baguette for breakfast. Or just paddle around the hotel swimming pool if you can’t tear yourself away from the all inclusive.
Just be aware that in some countries its a legal requirement to either wear or carry with you a buoyancy aid. So it’s worth finding this out at home before you get presented with a hefty fine and ruin your holiday.
So there you have it, what are you waiting for…
Print your tickets, pick up your passport and pack your pump!
(and remember to tell SUPboarder what you’ve been up to on your iSUP getaway)
This weekend coming is the perfect time to find out more information about iSUP’s and give them a try. There will be iSUP available on demo at Blue Chip Inflation day and Aqua Sports demo race day.